Fake Grassroots
How Associated Press Pushes a Narrative To The Entire Media
Bill Gates says he’s building a 3000-person team to spread his propaganda on Social Media
Publicists buy fake web traffic to pump up the stats of any publicity the media gives their clients
Buying followers is cheaper than you think

You can even buy fake YouTube livestream viewers, and many other things.

You can see the other Scam Tricks they sell here:
A Media Manipulator reveals the scam of “sources”
How Publicists Manipulate Journalists to Control Wikipedia
Celebrities and influencers will tweet your words for money and you can hire them easily
SponsoredTweets.com has got you covered.
Money talks… using celebrity mouths

What is Astroturfing?
Hillary’s multi-million dollar Troll Army targeted Bernie supporters online
Canadian Journalist Quits CBC After Admitting the Network Pumps Out Far Left Propaganda and Ignores Real Issues

She says: “In a short period of time, the CBC went from being a trusted source of news to churning out clickbait that reads like a parody of the student press.”
She says working at the CBC is to “abandon journalistic integrity” and to “sign on, enthusiastically, to a radical political agenda”.
You can read her full post here: https://tarahenley.substack.com/p/speaking-freely
Political Operative & Hillary Democrat Caught Running 50+ Fake Twitter Accounts, Using Profile Photos of Dead People
Twitter is Rigged Worldwide
Amazon Censoring Book Reviews For Chinese President
Google admits goal of “steering” conservative movement away from Nationalism and Nativism
Adam Kovacevich, Google’s head of U.S. public policy, admitted in 2019 that the Google Corporation sponsors the annual CPAC conservative conference in order to:
❌ “steer conservatives and Republicans” away from Nationalism, and away from “Nativist” ideas aka Immigration Restriction and border control.
❗️ Google is a political group of globalist leftist activists, it is in control of much of the world’s access to information, and they have no problem censoring and manipulating to achieve their goals — a very dangerous combination.
UK Government Caught Funding Lifestyle Websites for Teenage Muslim Girls
YouTube Promotes Porn More Than Anti-Porn
EXPOSED: ‘Woke’ media outlet revealed to be UK government propaganda wing
“Launched earlier this year [2019], the network features videos with titles such as ‘A trillion ton iceberg has broken off Antarctica’ and ‘Millions of pangolins are hunted each year’. Alongside them are other videos with titles such as ‘It’s time to hold extremism to account for terrorism, not Islam’. This video went viral, being viewed 1.7 million times.”

‘This Is Woke’: The media outfit that’s actually a UK counter-terror programme
The glitzy, youthful ‘news company’ warns about fake news – but is part of the Home Office’s Prevent strategy.
Have you ever wondered why our MODERN ART is so crass and disgusting?
Yes it’s partly because our civilisation has been collapsing for some time and we have all been driven to madness, but also because the CIA created a global network of art publications and culture organisations to push this garbage on us during the Cold War.
There was the space race, and there was also the art race:
