
Twitter Bans People for Saying “Men Aren’t Women”

You are not allowed to disagree with the State-enforced gender ideology. You will be removed from the public conversation. You may even get a visit from the cops. It’s a great way to manufacture fake consensus for unpopular ideas; just delete and threaten everyone who disagrees with you.

Article screenshot from The Federalist: "Twitter Permanently Bans Feminist For Writing That Men Aren't Women"

Last week, the social media giant permanently banned  Meghan Murphy, a writer based in British Columbia, for critiquing transgender ideology online. The platform repeatedly suspended her account for this then ultimately banned her last week, saying such behavior "violated [its]  rules against hateful conduct." 

At Feminist Current, Murphy writes about her ban: 

What is insane to me, though, is that while Twitter knowingly permits graphic pornography and threats on the platform (I have reported countless violent threats, the vast majority of which have gone unaddressed), they won't allow me to state very basic facts, such as 'men aren't women'.

They have used this rule to clear out many political commentators they want silenced too. If you are not a fully brainwashed left winger, they can find a way to sweep you out of the public conversation. They have defined perfectly normal beliefs as “hate” now, and apply the rules selectively to remove whoever they want.

Twitter Blacklists Known Covid Facts


If the corrupt political and media elite want to hide certain truths, they will simply mass ban people who point them out. Do you know the full list of truths they have banned? You probably do not. The corrupt regime works tirelessly to keep us in the dark.

The UN and World Economic Forum Recruit 110,000+ Influencers to Push Covid Propaganda

Globalist power-grabbers unleash armies of propagandists worldwide to push their pet issues.

“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming says.