
The Media’s Top 10 Criteria For Running a News Story

  1. Can we use it to disempower citizens?
  2. Can we use it to extend government powers?
  3. Can we use it to promote the global warming infertility cult?
  4. Can we use it to slander White people?
  5. Can we use it to disparage Christianity?
  6. Can we use it to justify more surveillance?
  7. Can we use it to increase migration into Western Civilisation?
  8. Can we use it to start and deepen wars?
  9. Can we use it to protect our criminal conspiracies?
  10. Can we use it to mislead people into lives of despair, self-destruction and loneliness?

The anti-family, Globalist media will stop at nothing to destroy the community of nations

The hypnosis media mantra: “Don’t reproduce. Abort your children. Replace yourselves with immigrants. Consume then die. Cherish nothing. Destroy your inheritance. Bequeath nothing. Extinguish your genetic line. Throw open your borders. Delete your country. You are a good person.”

❓ Like all empires in history, the Globalist Regime employs PROPAGANDA, REEDUCATION, RESETTLEMENT and GENOCIDE to break the spirit of the individual tribes, ethnicities and nations under its dominion, and produce a uniform rootless global citizen which is easily controlled.

Will your people survive the Globalist Empire?

Facebook Admits in Court That its ‘Fact-Checks’ Are Just ‘Opinions’

Facebook has admitted in a defamation court case that the “fact-checks” used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels, therefore they can’t be sued for their smear campaigns because they are not actually asserting facts.

Imagine calling something a fact, and when someone says “is that true though?” you say “hey it’s just my opinion, man”.. and then you smugly call yourself a fact checker.

An extract of their legal defence: