The Economist has finally found a war it doesn’t like
Media Pretends Putin Killed a Woman in a Suitcase, Instead of the Boyfriend Who Confessed
Girl who “slammed” Putin a year ago was strangled to death by her ex-boyfriend.
The media sloppers know most people only read headlines, and hardly any read the small print. So, let’s just blame Putin.

If they are willing to lie about something as obvious as this, what wouldn’t they lie about?
The propaganda machine pushes hoax after hoax, day after day. They are in the business of perception control, not honest reporting. Information suppression and perception control. Oh well, it’s a good job hardly anyone trusts them anymore.
OPERATION MASS APPEAL: How MI6 sold the Iraq war with lies & propaganda

Operation Mass Appeal was a British MI6 propaganda campaign to plant stories in the Western press to gain public support for the invasion of Iraq.
You will remember the infamous “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, a lie which sold a war which killed approximately 200,000 Iraqi civilians. Of course, the weapons never existed, and the press carried on as if their gigantic and horrendous hoax never happened.
The legacy of the complicit media cartel is one of theft, bloodshed, death and destruction. A perfect partner in crime with the corrupted security and intelligence agencies.
If they will lie to start wars, what won’t they lie about?

Yellow Journalism
George Orwell on Newspaper Manipulation
Washington Post ISIS Headlines
The anti-family, Globalist media will stop at nothing to destroy the community of nations

The hypnosis media mantra: “Don’t reproduce. Abort your children. Replace yourselves with immigrants. Consume then die. Cherish nothing. Destroy your inheritance. Bequeath nothing. Extinguish your genetic line. Throw open your borders. Delete your country. You are a good person.”
❓ Like all empires in history, the Globalist Regime employs PROPAGANDA, REEDUCATION, RESETTLEMENT and GENOCIDE to break the spirit of the individual tribes, ethnicities and nations under its dominion, and produce a uniform rootless global citizen which is easily controlled.
Will your people survive the Globalist Empire?
Israeli Military PsyOps

Source: https://archive.md/HSnvu
The Notorious London Spy School Churning Out Many of the World’s Top Journalists
They will say and do anything just to attack
British Army’s 77th Brigade of Online PsyOp Soldiers
The official internet trolls for the corrupt British regime
The 77th Brigade uses social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, as well as podcasts, data analysis and audience research to wage what the head of the UK military, General Nick Carter, describes as “information warfare”.

They call it the 77th Brigade. They are the troops fighting Britain’s information wars.
From office to office, I found a different part of the Brigade busy at work. One room was focussed on understanding audiences: the makeup, demographics and habits of the people they wanted to reach. Another was more analytical, focussing on creating “attitude and sentiment awareness” from large sets of social media data. Another was full of officers producing video and audio content. Elsewhere, teams of intelligence specialists were closely analysing how messages were being received and discussing how to make them more resonant.
British Government Propaganda Unit ensures you only see what they want you to see

🔴 Hiring PR firms to produce propaganda photographs which make it onto the front pages of newspapers
🔴 Planning hashtag campaigns and pushing out the posters and tweets
🔴 Staging fake protests for the media to broadcast around the world..
..there is nothing the Government Propaganda Units have not pre-planned to make you accept when jihadists attack.

A look behind the curtain
Here’s CNN, BBC and the British Police staging a “spontaneous” protest photo op with two families and hashtag posters, to broadcast around the world after an Islamic Jihadist rampage.
Ever wonder how war zone propaganda is created?

Watch them stage the photo
A group of “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian Government staged this and other photos to send to the world press, so the press could do its part and beat the drums of war. The plan to overthrow the Syrian Government was called Timber Sycamore, a plan created by the CIA, MI6, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Timber Sycamore involved funding and arming so-called rebels to fight alongside ISIS against the Syrian Government. The horrific plan also involved flooding the Middle East black market with heavy weaponry to heat up the entire region into chaos.
The photographer is known for posing with Child Beheaders
They rebrand terrorist attacks to make sure you never hear about them
Important: the stories everyday they refuse to cover
A look behind the curtain: fake protests staged for the world media
Here’s CNN, BBC and the British Police staging a “spontaneous” protest photo op with two families and hashtag posters, to broadcast around the world after an Islamic Jihadist rampage.
See more about the British Government Propaganda Unit behind this and other staged events
Volunteer Troll Army ‘Cleans Up The Web’ For Israel
Thousands of volunteer internet troll activists receive daily instructions via dedicated apps on how to thoughtpolice the web and launch coordinated attacks upon all criticism of Israel – tasked with downvoting comments, posting replies, reporting accounts and tweets, getting people banned, burying information, etc.
The highly organized machines—for this and other interest groups—are always watching, always attempting to aggressively control public perception.
See the site: Source
Watch these models try to recruit you into the program
App screenshots

Comments from a user

App demonstration & training
App screenshots of Reddit manipulation missions
Recruitment materials
A glimpse into the resources section
A built-in library of propaganda to spam everywhere
And this is only one of many such projects. Manipulating your mind is a top priority for more organizations than you can count.
CNN puffs up violent communist paramilitary street gang Antifa

Antifa pretend to be anti-establishment, but they go out and attack everybody who opposes the U.N and World Economic Forum agenda, and enjoy protection from the controlled corporate media giants. Antifa: the street thug paramilitary wing of the globalist elite. Tasked with breaking up every form of protest by normal people against the ruling elite.

The Media Propaganda War Machine has never faced any consequences for lying us into war

About a million people died in the Iraq War. The controlled media pounded the war drums relentlessly.