Facebook reveals how Instagram is turning teen girls insane

Source: https://archive.ph/LH7PQ
MPs curate their speeches in Parliament to avoid Big Tech Censorship, says Australian MP
They hide hashtags for political topics they don’t want you to know the truth about
Facebook Crushes News Stories
Facebook Co-Founder Reveals Social Media’s Dirty Secret
Facebook Leakers say: “We suppress conservative news”
Facebook Admits in Court That its ‘Fact-Checks’ Are Just ‘Opinions’
Facebook has admitted in a defamation court case that the “fact-checks” used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels, therefore they can’t be sued for their smear campaigns because they are not actually asserting facts.
Imagine calling something a fact, and when someone says “is that true though?” you say “hey it’s just my opinion, man”.. and then you smugly call yourself a fact checker.
An extract of their legal defence:

Facebook Changes Censorship Algorithm to Allow More Anti-White Hate
The State & Corporate Takeover
Hillary’s Multi-Million Dollar Online Troll Army Attacking Voters in Comment Sections and Forums Across the Web
How PolitiFact Turns Truths Into Lies
The UN and World Economic Forum Recruit 110,000+ Influencers to Push Covid Propaganda
Globalist power-grabbers unleash armies of propagandists worldwide to push their pet issues.
“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming says.