News Corporations have openly merged with the corrupt intelligence & surveillance agencies
CNN’s sad attempt

DAMAGE CONTROL: They wrote both of these because Hillary collapsed at the 9/11 memorial days before, and people kept talking about it, so CNN and others tried everything they could to distract from the story.
This is what it looks like when Democrats campaign for election – their media outlets pump out ridiculous damage control relentlessly. Making sense is the least of their concerns.
CNN Fact Check: See how they lie?
The Psychopathy of CNN
When your job is nothing but protecting political interests
CNN pretends gay cuck study implies straight conservatives like cucking
The bizarre piece starts off by lying: “the term ‘cuck’ — short for ‘cuckservative’ — has become an insult”. Of course, cuck is short for cuckold, and CNN writers know that but they lie anyway. Secondly, the study they cite is about 500 gay men. CNN pretends the story proves straight white conservative men are gay leftist cucks. There is no hope for CNN.

The Notorious London Spy School Churning Out Many of the World’s Top Journalists
CNN Cuts Off Bernie For “CNN Fake News” Joke, Pretends It’s Technical Difficulties
We could give CNN the benefit of the doubt and say the “technical difficulties” were real, but they do have an extensive history of cutting off guests in this exact way to punish them for saying the wrong thing. They brought him back after the break, but again, tactical technical difficulties is a CNN thing these days. They have incredible timing.
CNN Cover-up
CNN Distraction Experts
The Lie Machine Strikes Again
CNN pushes hoaxes and conspiracy theories daily

CNN was taken over by corrupt surveillance agencies years ago. It is the media front of the CIA.
Ever wonder how war zone propaganda is created?

Watch them stage the photo
A group of “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian Government staged this and other photos to send to the world press, so the press could do its part and beat the drums of war. The plan to overthrow the Syrian Government was called Timber Sycamore, a plan created by the CIA, MI6, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Timber Sycamore involved funding and arming so-called rebels to fight alongside ISIS against the Syrian Government. The horrific plan also involved flooding the Middle East black market with heavy weaponry to heat up the entire region into chaos.
The photographer is known for posing with Child Beheaders
No wonder so few people trust CNN
They all push the same propaganda

People who believe the media is independent and unbiased are quite simply disconnected from reality.
More CNN & ABC Camera Tricks
CNN puffs up violent communist paramilitary street gang Antifa

Antifa pretend to be anti-establishment, but they go out and attack everybody who opposes the U.N and World Economic Forum agenda, and enjoy protection from the controlled corporate media giants. Antifa: the street thug paramilitary wing of the globalist elite. Tasked with breaking up every form of protest by normal people against the ruling elite.