How Associated Press Pushes a Narrative To The Entire Media
Controlled Media Caught Again, All Reading From The Same Script
When they all pretended to debunk Pizzagate
…and that’s a good thing
Local TV Stations Caught Pushing the Same Scripted Pro-Amazon Segment
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This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy
The Coordinated Persuasion Playbook
They all push the same propaganda

People who believe the media is independent and unbiased are quite simply disconnected from reality.
Cooking up fake scandals is easy if you control the entire media landscape
Worldwide Collusion: ‘Build Back Better’ Globalist Supercut

The slogan was used by scheming politicians across the world more than a year before Biden adopted it as his official slogan. They are all doing the bidding of the World Economic Forum, which is a corrupt club for turning billionaires into trillionaires.
The chief goon of the World Economic Forum has even bragged about how his billionaires club has “penetrated the cabinets” of governments around the world and put their own people in positions of power:
Their agenda is not for you. They want to take everything from you, spy on you 24/7, and propagandise you into believing globalist slavery is good for you.