Ever wonder how war zone propaganda is created?

Watch them stage the photo
A group of “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian Government staged this and other photos to send to the world press, so the press could do its part and beat the drums of war. The plan to overthrow the Syrian Government was called Timber Sycamore, a plan created by the CIA, MI6, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Timber Sycamore involved funding and arming so-called rebels to fight alongside ISIS against the Syrian Government. The horrific plan also involved flooding the Middle East black market with heavy weaponry to heat up the entire region into chaos.
The photographer is known for posing with Child Beheaders
Instead of telling you what to think about, the Media Machine tells you what to think…
The media never misses an opportunity to express anti-family sentiments
They rebrand terrorist attacks to make sure you never hear about them
The Coordinated Persuasion Playbook
They all push the same propaganda

People who believe the media is independent and unbiased are quite simply disconnected from reality.
Cooking up fake scandals is easy if you control the entire media landscape
The Media’s Endless Anti-White Propaganda Has Severe Consequences
A look behind the curtain: fake protests staged for the world media
Here’s CNN, BBC and the British Police staging a “spontaneous” protest photo op with two families and hashtag posters, to broadcast around the world after an Islamic Jihadist rampage.
See more about the British Government Propaganda Unit behind this and other staged events
How Hollywood Poisons Your Mind and Morals
Hillary’s Multi-Million Dollar Online Troll Army Attacking Voters in Comment Sections and Forums Across the Web
Volunteer Troll Army ‘Cleans Up The Web’ For Israel
Thousands of volunteer internet troll activists receive daily instructions via dedicated apps on how to thoughtpolice the web and launch coordinated attacks upon all criticism of Israel – tasked with downvoting comments, posting replies, reporting accounts and tweets, getting people banned, burying information, etc.
The highly organized machines—for this and other interest groups—are always watching, always attempting to aggressively control public perception.
See the site: Source
Watch these models try to recruit you into the program
App screenshots

Comments from a user

App demonstration & training
App screenshots of Reddit manipulation missions
Recruitment materials
A glimpse into the resources section
A built-in library of propaganda to spam everywhere
And this is only one of many such projects. Manipulating your mind is a top priority for more organizations than you can count.
News Corporations are desperate to start a Race War
Men Bad, Women Victims
Twitter is a propaganda machine that costs Billions to run, it is not a real business

Twitter was never meant to be a real business. Twitter is a propaganda machine that costs billions to run. It is a way of feeding artificial narratives (astroturfing) and censoring reality (grassroots).
How Wikipedia Lies To You
Pax Tube writes:
Wikipedia, the MSM, and US intelligence agencies all work hand in hand. The process goes like this:
1) US intelligence agencies put out interviews and reports that the MSM wants to hear, such as:
- “Antifa is an idea, not a group”
- “White nationalism is the biggest national security threat”
- “Everything that criticizes globalism is a conspiracy theory with no factual basis”
- Etc.
2) The MSM then reports this, giving ‘official’ weight to the narratives they’re already feeding the public.
3) Because MSM sources are the only “reliable sources” Wikipedia allows, editors copy paste them onto the website as fact. Counter-narratives from non-MSM sources are indiscriminately removed, regardless of their verifiability and factual accuracy.
The MSM is well aware of this Wikipedia process, which is why they don’t report critical details that could hurt the narratives being crafted on the website. For example, not a single MSM outlet reported on the recently exposed fact that BLM icon Ahmad Arbery had a history of lying about being a jogger. Only independent outlets like The Post Millennial reported on it. Thus, because the MSM didn’t touch it, Wikipedia doesn’t allow the fact to be added to the website – and continues to state as fact on Arbery’s page that he was “shot while jogging”.
This is just one example of thousands. It’s a devilish system they’ve created.
Source: Pax Tube
Huffington Post Gender Confusion Doublethink
German journalist and editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of CIA agents under his own name
Among the stories Ulfkotte says he was ordered to plant in his newspaper over the years was a story that Libyan President Moammar Gaddafi was building poison gas factories in 2011. He said the aim of much of the deception was to drive nations toward war.
Ulfkotte says he is better positioned to come forward than many journalists because he does not have children who could be threatened.
He said: “it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do, and have done in the past, because they are bribed to betray the people not only in Germany, all over Europe. … I am very fearful of a new war in Europe, and I don’t like to have this situation again, because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. … We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war. … I don’t want this anymore, I’m fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic, and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom…”