controlled media

“Culture” creators

This guy actually thinks culture means whatever garbage propaganda the media is pumping out at the time. Sad!

Tweet screenshot: I'm starting to think our culture might not have a healthy view of workers.

Four news article screenshots compilation: 

1. "Why crying employees can sometimes be a sign of a healthy workplace." Occasionally crying at work is normal - and can sometimes indicate an honest work culture. But there are some best practices to follow when dealing with a coworker's tears.

2. CNBC: Despite work/life balance buzz, disconnecting to spend time with your kids could severely impact your future wages.

3. "There's too much life in our work-life balance." The slog of our day-to-day existence is making us shockingly unproductive.

4. The Wall Street Journal: A drawback to a shorter workday: "Everyone's outside life got so much better, at the expense of their passion for the work".

Infographic: The Iceberg Concept of Culture.

 - Primarily in awareness:
Fine arts. Literature. Drama. Classical music. Popular music. Folk dancing. Games. Cooking. Dress.

 - Primarily out of awareness:
Notions of modesty. Conception of beauty. Ideals governing child raising. Rules of descent. Cosmology. Relationship to animals. Patterns of superior/subordinate relations. Definition of sin. Courtship practices. Conception of justice. Incentives to work. Notions of leadership. Tempo of work. Patterns of group decision-making. Conception of cleanliness. Attitudes to the dependent. Theory of disease. Approaches to problem-solving. Conception of status mobility. Eye behaviour. Roles in relation to status by age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, etc. Definition of insanity. Nature of friendship. Conception of self. Patterns of visual perception. Body language. Facial expressions. Notions about logic and validity. Patterns of handling emotions. Conversational patterns in various social contexts. Conception of past and future. Ordering of time. Preference for competition or cooperation. Social interaction rate. Notions of adolescence. Arrangement of physical space.

AFS intercultural programs Inc Copyright 2010

The media machine works tirelessly to make every Western nation forget their traditions, their habits, cultural preferences, and their aesthetic ideals. Why? To turn every person into an interchangeable, mindless, corporate-branded, detached-from-history, government-owned, cog in a sick machine. If you have forgotten your history and identity, your borders can be flung open, your country can be sold off to the highest bidder or ripped to shreds, and everything stopping the centralized corporate takeover of the earth gets liquidated. The twin evils of destruction—Corporatism and Communism—must first destroy Traditionalism in order to succeed in their conquest of Earth. This is why we see both of these evils propping each other up, in everything from wars to daily propaganda, fighting together for decades against their common enemy. Nationalism and Traditionalism are the only things standing in the way of their ruthless globalist empire.

The media machine floods the airwaves with fakery 24/7, to make you forget what is real.

The Political and Media Elite work together as one entity to force their fantasies upon us

Man interrogated by police for liking transphobic tweet. The transgender police, state-backed gender ideology enforcement.

The globalists are forcing their narratives on the unwilling populations no matter what. They will use the coercive powers of state muscle to enforce compliance with their bizarre ideologies.

While ruthlessly repressing all opponents to the official state ideology, the political parties and media continue to pretend that the “protected class” doing the persecuting are the ones oppressed. Can you call the police on people who disagree with you and have them arrested and charged? Alternative media and social media are where police look for crimes now, while real crime rates are skyrocketing and ripping communities apart. This is called Anarcho-Tyranny: crime is allowed to run rampant on the streets (anarchy), while the State targets normal innocent people (tyranny).

EXPOSED: ‘Woke’ media outlet revealed to be UK government propaganda wing

“Launched earlier this year [2019], the network features videos with titles such as ‘A trillion ton iceberg has broken off Antarctica’ and ‘Millions of pangolins are hunted each year’. Alongside them are other videos with titles such as ‘It’s time to hold extremism to account for terrorism, not Islam’. This video went viral, being viewed 1.7 million times.”

‘This Is Woke’: The media outfit that’s actually a UK counter-terror programme
The glitzy, youthful ‘news company’ warns about fake news – but is part of the Home Office’s Prevent strategy.

The left wing press writes outright lies because they know their audience will never watch the actual speech

Sleepy Joe Biden calls an African “The Great Negro” and the entire left wing media apparatus runs cover to protect their regime. Their rapidly diminishing audience of true believers has been driven into serious mental illness at this point.


Mother Jones article, How badly did Trump want to say the N-word?

Literally every line the liar Nathalie wrote here is a fabricated propaganda smear job, not one bit of it relates to actual fact, but Nathalie knows Mother Jones readers want exactly this type of hysterical review, and they will not watch the actual speech she is lying about anyway. If you wonder why the left wingers seem so unhinged and hysterical all the time, and so anxious and delusional, it is because their media hypes them into a frenzy non-stop with this type of alternate reality.

Time and again we get testimonies from people who finally crack and see through the marketing scam. They write about how they finally dug deep into the primary sources of something their “trusted media” was reporting on, and how they finally saw just how deceptive and sneaky the media reporting was, how deeply they twisted their interpretation of events, left out key facts, mixed up timelines, fabricated misquotes, and every other dirty trick to misrepresent a situation for their own ideology. Here are some examples of people waking up to the scam.

One quick note on Nathalie’s slander-fest above: “The Republican Party didn’t even bother coming up with a party platform this time around” … perhaps she forgot to read the policy platform .. and she certainly didn’t see Trump’s policy of giving 500 billion dollars solely to black Americans. Again, everything Nathalie writes is a lie because that is exactly what her readers want to hear. Only when people stop desiring lies will the media stop providing them so bountifully.

YouTube employs 10,000 content deleters to delete everything “controversial”, artificially boosts corporate media instead

YouTube’s censorship army deletes over 3 million videos per month, and 2 billion comments per year. The Google MegaCorp brags that it has “cut down the amount of time Americans watch controversial content by 70%”.

Who decides what is controversial and what isn’t, what you are allowed to learn or not? They do, the information controllers.

Facebook Admits in Court That its ‘Fact-Checks’ Are Just ‘Opinions’

Facebook has admitted in a defamation court case that the “fact-checks” used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels, therefore they can’t be sued for their smear campaigns because they are not actually asserting facts.

Imagine calling something a fact, and when someone says “is that true though?” you say “hey it’s just my opinion, man”.. and then you smugly call yourself a fact checker.

An extract of their legal defence:

Have you ever wondered why our MODERN ART is so crass and disgusting?

Yes it’s partly because our civilisation has been collapsing for some time and we have all been driven to madness, but also because the CIA created a global network of art publications and culture organisations to push this garbage on us during the Cold War.

There was the space race, and there was also the art race: