
The truth is still putting its shoes on

“A lie travels halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes. By the time the truth catches up, it’s too late.”

Mark Twain
Fake Quote, Real Quote.

“Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…”

Jonathan Swift

New York Times Protest Narrative

Hypocrisy side by side doublespeak from The New York Times: IN INDIA, FREE SPEECH IS "CURTAILED" IN SPITE OF PROTESTS BEING ALLOWED.

The New York Times writes: "As India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, struggles to quell months of protests by farmers, critics and analysts see a they fear is sending India down a dangerous path of intolerance. Modi's Response to Farmer Protests in India Stirs Fears Of a Pattern."

The New York Times writes: "As protests stretch on in Canada and truckers block supply chains with the U.S., some Canadians are asking: hasn't Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered the authorities to quash the demonstrations. Why hasn't Justin Trudeau ordered the police or army to quash the protests?"

They will always find a way to support the people they like, and attack the people they hate, no matter what the story is.

“critics and analysts see” vs “some Canadians are asking”. They really can push any storyline they want, in any way they want.

The media is in the business of making popular opinions seem unpopular

and vice versa

British TV show deletes poll after 89% oppose mandatory vaccination. TV show Good Morning Britain, ITV

Everything the media machine pretends is The Correct Opinion is wrong, dead wrong, opposite-of-the-truth lie. The only way to be free to think clearly is to switch off the professional liars.

By pretending nobody else agrees with what is in fact popular opinion, the propaganda machine can make the vast majority of people feel outnumbered and alienated. In this way, they can turn a united majority into a divided majority. As a result, a united minority (the political and media elite) can get away with anything. This is what is meant by Divide and Conquer. When everybody becomes too afraid or censored to speak up, everybody feels alone and the people are defeated. It is for this reason why censorship is so damaging to the human soul. Isolation is a form of torture. It is a psychological torture the regime greedily exploits for its own ends.

Governments in 30+ countries pay ‘keyboard armies’ to spread propaganda online

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are employed full time to influence social and political narratives online. The financing behind this Online Control will be massive, and paid for by the very taxpayers they are targeting. Along with rampant censorship, the Regime has a tight control over what becomes popular and what gets deleted entirely.

Here is the cited report:

Of course, what is known to the public is just a tiny fraction of what the regime is doing.