Twitter co-founder Biz Stone says there were “world events” that the company “didn’t make public”
While discussing Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter:

Stone worked at Twitter from its founding in 2006 until 2012, and he re-joined the company in 2017.
Many people have asked Stone what world events they buried, but he has ignored all questions.
What have they been hiding? It sure sounds like a CIA thing.
Researchers discover Google sends fewer ‘Go Vote’ reminders to conservatives than to liberals and centrists in swing states, secretly shifting millions of undecided votes leftward
See more posts from this researcher: Dr Robert Epstein
The researcher is a Democrat, a Hillary voter, and he has had enough of Big Tech monopolies manipulating the results of elections.

NPR: Another Cover-Up for the Biden Family’s Criminal Behavior

We have Hunter Biden on video saying Russian blackmailers stole his laptop, and NPR refuses to cover the subject because an election was looming. The media is not in the truth business. NPR is not a news organization. All you get is extremely controlled propaganda.
Media corporations refused to cover the story, social media sites banned you for sharing links about it, and it is now all admitted to be true. With such a gigantic cover-up, you’d think some people would be getting arrested..
OPERATION MASS APPEAL: How MI6 sold the Iraq war with lies & propaganda

Operation Mass Appeal was a British MI6 propaganda campaign to plant stories in the Western press to gain public support for the invasion of Iraq.
You will remember the infamous “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, a lie which sold a war which killed approximately 200,000 Iraqi civilians. Of course, the weapons never existed, and the press carried on as if their gigantic and horrendous hoax never happened.
The legacy of the complicit media cartel is one of theft, bloodshed, death and destruction. A perfect partner in crime with the corrupted security and intelligence agencies.
If they will lie to start wars, what won’t they lie about?

MPs curate their speeches in Parliament to avoid Big Tech Censorship, says Australian MP
Hillary’s multi-million dollar Troll Army targeted Bernie supporters online
Democrat Party gives pre-written articles to journalists, and proofreads articles before publication
Political Operative & Hillary Democrat Caught Running 50+ Fake Twitter Accounts, Using Profile Photos of Dead People
CNN Fact Check: See how they lie?
Twitter Wipes Hashtags Clean To Protect The Corruptocracy
Divide and Conquer
Truly, the masters of the lie
Israel pays student propagandists
ABC News Lies, Tricks & Bias Dismantled
Bill Whittle takes apart one short segment on ABC:
When your job is nothing but protecting political interests
The Political and Media Elite work together as one entity to force their fantasies upon us

The globalists are forcing their narratives on the unwilling populations no matter what. They will use the coercive powers of state muscle to enforce compliance with their bizarre ideologies.
While ruthlessly repressing all opponents to the official state ideology, the political parties and media continue to pretend that the “protected class” doing the persecuting are the ones oppressed. Can you call the police on people who disagree with you and have them arrested and charged? Alternative media and social media are where police look for crimes now, while real crime rates are skyrocketing and ripping communities apart. This is called Anarcho-Tyranny: crime is allowed to run rampant on the streets (anarchy), while the State targets normal innocent people (tyranny).

Trump Impeachment Doublethink
Hunter Biden Media Protection
Google admits goal of “steering” conservative movement away from Nationalism and Nativism
Adam Kovacevich, Google’s head of U.S. public policy, admitted in 2019 that the Google Corporation sponsors the annual CPAC conservative conference in order to:
❌ “steer conservatives and Republicans” away from Nationalism, and away from “Nativist” ideas aka Immigration Restriction and border control.
❗️ Google is a political group of globalist leftist activists, it is in control of much of the world’s access to information, and they have no problem censoring and manipulating to achieve their goals — a very dangerous combination.