
Mostly Peaceful Protests

When Antifa and Black Lives Matter were rioting and burning down entire city blocks and putting people into comas and coffins, CNN and MSNBC tried and failed to spin the mass burn, loot and murder

“Mostly Peaceful Protests” hyper-violence montage:

The Globalists Will Tell Any Lie

The information controllers will deny something one minute, then attack you for denying it the very next minute – all based on whatever serves their corrupt agenda.

10 Warning Signs of Gaslighting

If you listen closely, you will hear what the corrupt media and political class have been doing to us for generations.

How many more times can you let the flashy brands slander you as “morally deformed” for disbelieving their stupid lies? The Great Switch Off is coming.

It is time to divorce ourselves from our abuser; the controlled mainstream press and entertainment mediaplex.

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What is Gaslighting?

When lies and manipulation are used to make you doubt true reality in order to gain control over you.