Watch out for the tactical use of “allegedly”
They will lie about this, they will lie about anything
The truth is always behind the camera
How Hollywood Poisons Your Mind and Morals
Whitewashing criminal photos is more common than you think

The Anti-White media regularly attributes POC crimes to Whites

Do a Google image search for Vitpixling Sweden to see how the Swedish media pixelates non-White criminals to look White, even in Wanted posters aimed at getting the public to identify the criminal.
MSNBC anchor admits live on air the media’s job is to “control exactly what people think”
Mostly Peaceful Protests
Reuters Lying Openly to Damage Trump
News Corporations are desperate to start a Race War
The Great Reset: It’s real when they talk about it, fake when you talk about it
The Sad Reality of Public Pressure: Conformity Experiments
Social Compliance gives the mind manipulators immense power and control.

Huffington Post Gender Confusion Doublethink
The Globalists Will Tell Any Lie
Corrupt Italian Authorities tampered with ‘live webcam’ to show empty square instead of huge anti-vaccine-passport rally
10 Warning Signs of Gaslighting
If you listen closely, you will hear what the corrupt media and political class have been doing to us for generations.
How many more times can you let the flashy brands slander you as “morally deformed” for disbelieving their stupid lies? The Great Switch Off is coming.
It is time to divorce ourselves from our abuser; the controlled mainstream press and entertainment mediaplex.