Ex-Pussycat Dolls singer says band was prostitution ring, members were passed around, abused by industry executives — Says Hollywood journalists refused to run her story
How Associated Press Pushes a Narrative To The Entire Media
OPERATION MASS APPEAL: How MI6 sold the Iraq war with lies & propaganda

Operation Mass Appeal was a British MI6 propaganda campaign to plant stories in the Western press to gain public support for the invasion of Iraq.
You will remember the infamous “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, a lie which sold a war which killed approximately 200,000 Iraqi civilians. Of course, the weapons never existed, and the press carried on as if their gigantic and horrendous hoax never happened.
The legacy of the complicit media cartel is one of theft, bloodshed, death and destruction. A perfect partner in crime with the corrupted security and intelligence agencies.
If they will lie to start wars, what won’t they lie about?

Yellow Journalism
George Orwell on Newspaper Manipulation
Headline Correction: Daily Mirror Twisting Reality
The Beauty Magazine Monopoly

All pumping out the same Cultural Marxist racial propaganda… one media conglomerate pretending to be a leftist social consensus:

Some of the assets owned by the Hearst corporation:

Headline Correction
The Guardian of Garbage
Have you ever wondered why our MODERN ART is so crass and disgusting?
Yes it’s partly because our civilisation has been collapsing for some time and we have all been driven to madness, but also because the CIA created a global network of art publications and culture organisations to push this garbage on us during the Cold War.
There was the space race, and there was also the art race:

Newspaper Election Bias
British Government Propaganda Unit ensures you only see what they want you to see

🔴 Hiring PR firms to produce propaganda photographs which make it onto the front pages of newspapers
🔴 Planning hashtag campaigns and pushing out the posters and tweets
🔴 Staging fake protests for the media to broadcast around the world..
..there is nothing the Government Propaganda Units have not pre-planned to make you accept when jihadists attack.

A look behind the curtain
Here’s CNN, BBC and the British Police staging a “spontaneous” protest photo op with two families and hashtag posters, to broadcast around the world after an Islamic Jihadist rampage.
Ever wonder how war zone propaganda is created?

Watch them stage the photo
A group of “rebels” trying to overthrow the Syrian Government staged this and other photos to send to the world press, so the press could do its part and beat the drums of war. The plan to overthrow the Syrian Government was called Timber Sycamore, a plan created by the CIA, MI6, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Timber Sycamore involved funding and arming so-called rebels to fight alongside ISIS against the Syrian Government. The horrific plan also involved flooding the Middle East black market with heavy weaponry to heat up the entire region into chaos.