The Anti-White ‘Race Swap’ Crime Scam

Black teens savagely attack a little 9-year-old white girl, and instead of showing the real photo of the crime, the media buys a stock photo from Getty Images showing a little white boy committing the crime.

iHeart News. Florida Student Arrested After Video Shows Him Beating Up 9-Year-OId Girl. By Zuri Anderson. The article shows a photo of a small white boy as the aggressor, but the actual crime was an older black aggressor attacking a small white girl.

No wonder so many people believe blacks are the primary victims of interracial violent crime, when in fact whites are the primary victims and it is blacks who are the primary perpetrators.

Interracial violent crime stats.


Black on White.
Black on Hispanic.
White on Black.
White on Hispanic.
Hispanic on White.
Hispanic on Black.

This is Media. The power of highlighting certain facts and not others. Lie by omission.
