The Economist Says Europe’s Destiny is to Become Eurafrica

The Economist pro-invasion propaganda: 

The Economist @TheEconomist:
Like it or not, Eurafrica is part of Europe's demographic and cultural destiny.
- Why Europe should focus on its growing interdependence with Africa. Sealing the Mediterranean will not work.

The MegaCapitalist Agnelli and Rothschild families in control of the Economist magazine love to tell us what we must accept as inevitable, whether we “like it or not”.

The Social Engineers who wish to mess with people’s countries first use their newspaper rags to spread their lies globally, to demoralise, deceive and destroy. Isn’t it odd, the goals of the Mega Capitalists and the Communists are the same: culture destruction, heritage destruction, border destruction, country destruction, people destruction, with all power resting in the Global Central Bank.
